Thanksgiving dinner is a family event, and more than 50% of families share some portion of their meal with their canine members. The good news is that you can serve a healthy Thanksgiving dinner to your dog and make them part of the holiday celebration. Since doggie digestion is different from ours, there are some important menu changes needed for their holiday dinner. Here is a suggested menu for the event. Remember to keep all portions small. Turkey is fine. Just be sure to select white meat that is from the center of the turkey to avoid the fatty and salty brine and be sure to remove the skin. Shred the turkey into small, bite-sized bits. So, white mean, no salt, no skin, and no fat, cut fine. Carrots – These can be boiled or steamed. Make sure they have no seasoning or butter on them. Potatoes – You can mash potatoes and include a small helping on your doggie dinner. Be sure that there is no salt, cheese, onions or gravy in them. Sweet Potatoes – Before you add any seasonings, mash a small amount. Green Beans – Again, cut fine and be sure that there are no seasonings. Apple Slices – Cut the apple into bite-sized chunks with the skin and seeds removed. They make a great treat anytime. Cranberries – Not all dogs like the flavor, but they provide a great taste treat so you might add a few for dessert. Pumpkin- steamed or baked it is good for your dog in small quantities. As with all the other items be sure nothing has been added to it. Assemble your dog’s dinner on his plate and serve for a holiday treat! There are a number of foods which pose a health hazard to your pet at holiday time. Here is a list of items to keep out of reach: Bones – Turkey bones can splinter and are dangerous to your dog. Be sure to keep your turkey safely away from your pet. Chocolate – Chocolate can be fatal to dogs, so make sure the candy dish is safely out of reach Grapes and Raisins – are dangerous and can sicken your pet. Artificial sweeteners – are seriously dangerous and can be fatal Alcohol and Candy – are unhealthy. Raw dough – can swell in your dog’s stomach and be a serious issue Any food with seasonings, gravy, onions, garlic or scallions. Plan your pet’s Thanksgiving meal with a bit of care and make them a part of your holiday celebration. As you place treats about be sure to keep dangerous items out of reach. After dinner, both you and your pet will be ready to go for a person and pet stroll. If your dog is elderly, obese, consider using a pet stroller so that they can join with you on this traditional after holiday meal exercise.